To protect your personal financial information, please contact for our wire transfer instructions. You can also reach us at (202) 601-2825 with any questions about how to securely transfer funds to MSI US.
You can make donations via ACH using our online donation form by selecting “Bank Transfer” for gifts of $89 or more. We also offer an integration with Plaid for instant ACH transfers with no minimum.
These services do assess a small processing fee. To avoid these charges by making a direct transfer to our account, please contact for our wire transfer instructions.
To give by phone
To give by mail:
Make check payable to MSI United States
PO Box 35528
Washington, DC 20033
Wire Transfer
Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
Stocks and Securities
Make a One-Time Gift
Give a Monthly Donation
Join the Blue Door Society
Bequests and Wills
Workplace Giving