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You’re making an investment in women and girls when you support MSI United States. 

You can change the world with just a few dollars. 

You’ve probably heard that one before. A lot of nonprofits say it, but we mean it – and we can back it up with evidence, too. 

On average, it costs just $8 to provide one of our clients with her preferred method of contraception for an entire year. A lot can happen during a year. Your $8 gift would enable a woman to decide her own future, on her terms. She might choose to finish her education, pursue her career, care for her family, or even step up as a leader in her community – without fearing a risky unintended pregnancy. 

But it’s not just about what we can do with your support. For every $1 invested in reproductive healthcare, you’re generating $8 in socioeconomic savings for low- and middle-income countries. 

If you can give more, we can do more. 

To give by phone

To give by mail:
Make check payable to MSI United States
PO Box 35528
Washington, DC 20033

Wire Transfer
Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
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Make a One-Time Gift
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