2023 Impact:

  • 421,000 people using an MSI-provided method of contraception
  • 154,000 unsafe abortions averted

In 2007, MSI Ghana began providing contraception and safe abortion services. Since then, we’ve grown into one of the country’s leading providers of sexual and reproductive healthcare, expanding access for the most marginalized communities. Our centers, outreach teams, and MSI Ladies focus on reaching underserved communities. 

Despite Ghana’s relatively liberal abortion law, unsafe abortion is still a major cause of pregnancy-related death. That’s why MSI’s centers serve as training centers, increasing other healthcare providers’ skills at providing safe abortion and post-abortion care.  

We’ve also innovated by launching telemedicine abortion in Ghana, allowing women to take medication to end a pregnancy safely at home in consultation with a healthcare provider.  

MSI Advocacy efforts in 2021 helped get long-term contraception methods included on the national health scheme, giving more women affordable access to years of freedom from unintended pregnancy.